Arbitrary data deserialization in Ruby

Deserializing untrusted data is usually dangerous and can lead to serious consequences like remote code execution. Remember not to deserialize user-input data unless you really know what you are doing.

Ruby provides several ways of serializing/deserializing an object in ruby-core and ruby-stdlib. The most commonly used are Marshal and YAML (json also has the ability of processing objects in ruby but this will be another story)

The story starts from CVE-2013-0156 in Ruby on Rails, where YAML.load could be called with arbitrary data when the framework processes an HTTP request. There’re already some great write-ups on this issue so I’m not going to repeat the analysis of the payload.

Generally speaking, the exploits are based on a similar way:

  1. Find a call of YAML.load(or Marshal.load) where the first parameter could be controlled.
  2. Find a class with a “dangerous method” which will be used to execute the real payload afterwards (the trojan).
  3. Forge the object of our target class with required properties set as expected to complete the execution chain.
  4. dump (Marshal or YAML) the above object to bytes and send it to the target.

The descriptions above might be obscure for who didn’t look into the issue carefully. I’ll take ERB as an example since it exactly fullfills the requirements of a “deserialization trojan”.

  # Generate results and print them. (see ERB#result)
  def run(b=new_toplevel)
    print self.result(b)

  # Executes the generated ERB code to produce a completed template, returning
  # the results of that code.  (See ERB::new for details on how this process
  # can be affected by _safe_level_.)
  # _b_ accepts a Binding object which is used to set the context of
  # code evaluation.
  def result(b=new_toplevel)
    if @safe_level
      proc {
        $SAFE = @safe_level
        eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno)
      eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno)

A call to ERB#result or ERB#run will eventually lead to a eval where the first parameter is the @src property. This is totally safe while the most common use case of ERB is the load a template from local filesystem and render it with a set of provided bindings.

But what will happen if we look into the following example:

class Response
    attr_reader :result # let's say, for example, the wrapped response code

res = YAML.load(some_user_input)
puts "The result is #{res.result}" # To print the result

The some_user_input here actually expects the dump of an object of class Response. But thanks to Ruby’s duck typing, a dump of an ERB object is also eligible here. Finally, the ERB#result will be called at the puts line instead of Response#result. Therefore, in this case, forging the trojan is considerably easy.

o = ERB.allocate
o.instance_variable_set :@src, "puts `id`"
o.instance_variable_set :@lineno, 1026

=> "--- !ruby/object:ERB\nsrc: puts `id`\nlineno: 1026\n"


The above example is simplified as much as possible to make it clear enough to understand. Cases in the real world are probably much more complicated to exploit like this one.

Forging the invocation chain in the payload is usually the most tricky part. During this procedure, some methods like method_missing, send or public_send may worth a closer look.

Due to some historical reasons, the public resources about arbitrary data deserialization are often in the scope of Ruby on Rails instead of Ruby the language and its standard libraries. As Ruby on Rails and its dependencies actually provide many gadgets for completing the invocation chain. However it should be noticed that this issue also exists in common ruby projects. Although the payload may look greatly different to those were used in RoR.

